Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ok Being Bored

I was in line at an airport security checkpoint the other day. I had my ticket in hand with my passport ready to open to the right page (those of you who travel will appreciate this). I opened my bag for easy access to my laptop and ziploc bag carrying my deodorant and checked my pockets for metal items. I have never been a fan of placing my phone and keys in the bin since I usually forget to pick them up afterward so instead I like to put all that stuff in my roller bag, front pocket to be specific.

After doing this and still being in line, I started just letting my eyes wander, people watching and so on. As I did so, I noticed the majority of people were looking at their phones. The people in line, the ones waiting for the x-ray machine, even some airline staff members. I thought about what they could be checking. Could it be they are late for their flight and are anxious about the time or checking their ticket status online? Could it be they just got an urgent email from their secretary telling them at the last minute they didn't have to go to Detroit at the last second? Could it just be they wanted to call their family before entering the wild world of the airline terminal? Nope. I know I shouldn't do so, but I started looking at what they were doing. Some were playing scrabble. Not just one person but at least three. I love that game and I will challenge anyone to a round, but is this the time and place? Some were watching movies. Some were emailing work. Good activities all, but here?

Do not think for a second that I do not have a smart phone myself. No. It is not an iPhone. But it does almost all the same things. Difference between me and an iPhone user: I do not have to be constantly entertained. I took a cab to the airport. A fifteen minute drive. I could have called someone random or played poker on my phone. I could have emailed my friend a funny video I saw last week. I could have put my earbuds in and zoned out entirely. Instead I looked out the window.

When is the last time you just looked out of a window just to see what was on the other side? When is the last time we sat in silence just to enjoy the moment? Try sitting still for two minutes and see what a difference it can make.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. I sometimes just sit at the window at home and just stare out of it... usually there isn't anything going on so I use the time to clear my head and relax...
