Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Legend has it that George Washington as a small boy confessed to hacking at his fathers cherry tree thus killing it. His father was angry about the loss of the tree until he heard the confession and praised young George for having told the truth above no matter the possible consequence. This is the legend, that he could not tell a lie and by doing so, helped parents all over the country have a story to tell their kids so that they too would not lie to their parents.

We have heard many times that "honesty is the best policy". This I agree with every part of me. I wear my life and emotions on my sleeve. I am blogging about some of the most personal of issues for the world to see. (side note: thanks for reading Japan, Ecuador, Luxembourg, and Australia) I was faced with an interesting circumstance today while in the midst of a conversation with a young woman I have become fond of. I have always shared my feelings out loud, perhaps to the point of being annoying, but when faced with how I felt about her, I was stopped cold. I was not sure how much if at all to share.

Should I be bold and courageous, daring to toss her into an emotional conflict of her own? Or should I be cautious and caring, thinking of her situation and the consequences she may have to face? Is honesty the best policy here?

I have no reason to hide anything from anyone except to protect them but I am afraid that by doing do, I lose a large part of who I am.

1 comment:

  1. keeping your mouth shut when there us no need to say anything (I.e. assisting in stopping a crime or something) or when you aren't being asked directly about something (the person may not want to hear what you have to say) and lying to someone or even concealing the truth when it us needed and being sought after, I believe are two different things. I don't believe you are asking the black and white question if whether you are to tell the truth or lie somehow but asking yourself if whether or not to share something intimate with someone. This a situational question between you and God. Ask yourself if you are ready and if what you want to share is for your benefit or hers.
