Thursday, September 21, 2017


You have only ever given me fond memories and a standard of living life I can only ever wish to achieve. I only know great things about you.

You are a manly man. Serving in the navy, driving truck for several years, and chopping your own firewood on the side of Mount Baker to stoke the heater for church on Sunday mornings. Not to mention you have a pretty sweet beard that I can only admire knowing I will never achieve anything close to it.

You are a handsome man. Whenever anyone has commented on my looks or how much I look like my father or how handsome I might fool people into thinking I am for 3rd grade picture day, I have always said that if I am ever fortunate enough to have even half of my grandpa’s good looks I will have it made. You have always been a picture of strength in my mind and to do it with a gleaming smile and welcoming eyes was something I have long wanted to achieve.

You take care of yourself. Walking every day, eating right, working hard day in and day out. You’ve been strong and healthy and an example of how one should care for themselves. Not just for health’s sake or for vanity or anything, but so you are capable of assisting others when they need it. “Pastor, can you help me move?” Yep, strong enough. “Pastor, can you come help me get my car out of a ditch?” Sure can have the endurance. When someone has needed you to help, you have been not just willing but also able.

You care. About others, about your family, for your wife. You are a caring man. A man who sees people’s problems and reaches out to soothe. You are someone people can talk to because you listen with intent. You are understanding and not judgemental. You seek only the best from the worst of us. You are forgiving and kind. You never made me feel bad. You officiated my first marriage, and I let you down. I want you to know I tried but it hurt me more knowing that you gave your blessing and I couldn’t make it work in the end. Regardless, you never chastised me or scolded me.

You are a godly man. Not perfect and not shy about that, but you are an example of what it looks like to try hard to follow after Him. You worked hard to make changes in your life to reflect the grace you were shown. Your transformation is not complete and there is still work to be done but you have never given up striving for holiness in this world. You study and read the word. You pray and you serve faithfully. You give generously so others can continue the ministry. Doing these things with all your heart. Your example is a bold one and a light that others have been able to follow. You have made your life a reflection for others to see Christ and there is no greater accomplishment.

You are the beginning of our legacy. I do not have a dramatic testimony. I have struggled for years going to camps and Sunday school meetings and church groups where people have amazing transformational tales of God’s hand turning them around and setting them on the right path. My testimony involves my Dad praying with me and then eating macaroni and cheese when I was three. I have recently realized my testimony is not about God’s power to miraculously save but instead a testimony of His faithfulness and forgiveness through life. Because I made the choice to follow Jesus early on, I have a unique part to share in revealing God’s character and how we can rely on Him no matter what. But my story doesn’t start with me. It begins with you. A sinner, kneeling in front of the television with Billy Graham praying his altar call salvation prayer and you choosing Jesus that day. You made the choice before My father was born and because of that, he was brought up in a Christian home. Your influence on him and the example you set, regardless of how good or bad at times, exposed him to the gospel and allowed him the courage to make his own decision and eventually dedicate his life to the ministry. He was familiar enough with the word to share it and be comfortable enough to share it with his kids who then made their own choices to follow Jesus. After I prayed to receive Jesus as my savior, my life did not drastically change and since I was three, I had no bad habit to quit or path really to turn from. But having Jesus as the core of everything we did as a family taught me how to depend on Him for everything. I have not led a perfect life but when I call to Him, He is there. When I ask for forgiveness, He reminds me it is finished. When I find myself lost and needing wisdom, He shows me the way.

The example you have set has made a huge impact on me. You are a man of God whose life choices have allowed me to be the man I am today. I find myself now raising my son in the word and striving to set for him a godly example. I find myself trying to serve and care for my wife in a loving manner. I work hard to provide for my family understanding all things come from God. I serve in my local church and teach the word I have been taught. I copy what my father taught me and his example was you. Both of your examples reflect the one true example to follow and for that I thank you.

You are my hero. I thank God for you and I thank you for staying strong and remaining faithful in your journey with Him. I love you, Grandpa.