Monday, May 23, 2011

Body Images

Tattoos are amazing! I love the art and the admiration you get with a full sleeve. I also just think its badass. A girl with a tasteful stud in the nose that looks like a shiny freckle is instantly kinda hot. I would totally get some sweet ink if I only knew what to get. I even know who I would have do it.

I have seen a lot of neat stuff in my time but none that I think would work for me. I have seen the classic Japanese symbol tattoos but I don't speak or read Japanese. I have seen some terrific images dedicated to dead friends and relatives, but I can't think of why I would need to have their name or death-date on my body to remind me of them. I would love to have a family crest or bible verse but where would I put that on me?

I love the idea of a piercing but same problem, where? Do I do an ear? I can never remember which is the right ear. Nose would be cool but I have a lot of allergies and I can only see that as an agitator. I could get real crazy and get my eyebrow or lip done but on what occasion do I wear it and if I don't all the time it will fill in right? And then all I have to show for my $50 is a lip scar.

I watched a documentary about body modifications the other day (Modify) and people are having the strangest stuff done to them. Implants, laser etching, and apparently the new trend is to split your junk down the middle. No thanks! I want to have something, but not alter the way my body functions for the sake of art or personal expression.

I am ok with my body. Granted, I have a few pounds I could do without, but that's what P90X is for. I suppose I will just stay a blank slate. I would hate to just get something to have it if it didn't really mean anything. I want to remain a man without regrets which is why I am so thankful I didn't get my ex's name on my ring finger as planned. Or a tramp stamp of my last name. By the way, what is the Japanese symbol for “stupid waste of money”?

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