Friday, April 29, 2011

I Am Not A Man-Whore

A man wants the most he can have of many things in life; adventure, influence, and sex.

Sex is amazing. The closeness you feel. The safety of being with someone else in the most intimate way two people can be. No judgment, no conditions. It can be the greatest thing ever experienced. Plus it just feels incredible. But I am not a man-whore.

When my wife moved out, the list of things I grieved the loss of was far reaching. I missed knowing someone would be home waiting for me. I missed the smell of her hair. I missed the conversations we used to have about the stupidest things. I missed reaching out and holding her hand while I drove us home from a night out. I missed the "i love you"s on the phone. I could go on, but I am sure you wouldn't read it. The one thing that I didn't miss right away was sex, it was the million other things we shared in between. It was always my single friends that would mention that I wasn't getting any anymore. Funny thing about that is I hadn't been "getting any" for a long time before that. But now she was gone. And now people knew I was alone at night and they wanted to sympathize.

Do I want sex all the time? I am a man. What do you think? But I am also a MAN. I refuse to jump in bed with the first thing that walks in front of me because I know that the part of me shared with her, will be a part I can no longer share with my next wife, should she be out there. It has been a while and I am not ashamed of that fact. A little proud actually because I am in no short supply of offers. But I want more than a one night stand. I want the million other things too. Call me selfish if you want.

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