Thursday, April 21, 2011


Just to clarify, just because I moved to so cal, (sorry, southern California for those of you not familiar with the lingo) does not mean I smoke a ton of weed. Are there people out here that do? You bet! Is it legal? I'll let you work that one out for yourself. I'm not here to tell you it is bad, I just do not partake and I never have. In the day after the "holiday", I saw several people still celebrating and I thought, I am glad I don't do drugs.

I have an addictive personality. Or is it a passionate personality? When I find something I love, you can not change my mind about it. Is the movie Good Burger a classic? No. Do I love it still? You bet. My first drink was cheap champagne at age 22. Gross. I still gag when I think about it. I didn't drink again for a couple of years then slowly worked my way into drinking via vodka cranberry and bud light. Now I consider myself a little bit of a wine snob and I will enjoy a taste every now and then. But I am so thankful for those people in my life that set the right example for me; you can enjoy something and not be controlled by it. My friends and family helped me to develop rules for myself to avoid trouble. Do not drink and drive, do not drink alone, do not drink to change your mood (for the good when your down or try to enhance a good time), and so on. If I did not have those rules when my life was seeming to crash down around me, I would be one sad man.

I am so thankful for limits. For friends who watched me and keep me accountable. For parents that didn't set a bad example for me. Without those in my life, I'm sure I would be one of those guys wandering into Taco Bell at 9am ordering six burritos. I don't do drugs and I never will. Period. Don't need 'em. Don't want 'em.


  1. I am with you there. I never have and never will. Not because I was never curious but because I never ever wanted to be like my biological father, who both did drugs and sold them out of the house his three young children lived in.

  2. I bet you get all kinds of crazies in at Taco Bell!

  3. on my ups route i have a doctor whose sole practice is seeing patients who want a card to buy pot. for 95$ u can go in and tell him anything and come out with a card. and within 1/2 mile from this office there are 2 pot dispensaries. u show them your card and u get let into the locked room to select from various types of weed as well as cookies, brownies and the like. while there is a wide variety of folks in the waiting room, some of whom seem like they just need a new source, if u know what i mean, i have friends who are going thru chemo and are desperately looking for something to help them thru the side effects. i do think it should be available to them. stricter standards, sure. but for some, this is helpful in a time of suffering. would i use it? sure. after counsel and agreement on boundaries.
