Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Epidemic Of Passivity

Too many times this week, I have come to an intersection involving a three-way stop. Not four. Just three. It seems to happen like this: the car in front of me is approaching the stop sign at the previously mentioned intersection when another car will appear and also approach the intersection. The first car comes to a stop and although the rule of traffic law in this country states the first car does indeed have the right of way, they will pause for an extended period of time. Now I consider myself to be a good driver (who doesn't?) and a cautious one as well. I know at times when the light is red, some will speed through it and while a turn signal may indicate the intention of the driver is to make a left turn they will sometimes veer to the right. So caution, I encourage. Passivity I do not.

Back to the example. The first car is stopped and waits for the second to come to the required complete stop before making his (or her) move. Note: there is, at this point, no other traffic except me who is not yet involved in the equation. The second car is stopped and as is the norm, waits for the first car to pass through. The first car then waves the other to make the turn onto the street. What?! What just happened here? Now the second car is confused and we all just sit there. Did you just assume the other car has to be at their final destination sooner than you and the cars behind you? Did you loose a contact and think it would be unsafe to continue forward? Why would you wave the other person ahead?

I am seeing this mentality in many situations; forming a line at the 10 items or less checkout and good luck holding the door open for a woman or heaven forbid, a man. Look, we all have 10 items or less or we wouldn't be trying to form a line here. It will make little difference if the guy with the two items goes before the guy with three. You do not loose any part of your dignity by going through a door held open for you. Stop being a jerk and debating me on who is going first. Go through the damned door already and let the rest of us get on with our lives instead of arguing in the entryway about female independence. I know your independent. Good for you.

Let's just agree caution is a good thing, being polite is a virtue, and acknowledge the fact we all have places to be and other things to do. Be nice. Be kind to each other. Stop being a wuss and get on with it already.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! With the cars at a stop sign, sometimes they think they're being polite by being extra patient. Really, though, I am not grateful for them letting me go I am just pissed they made us all awkwardly scoot forward 2 inches at a time and wave at each other. If you would have gone before me, I could have gone by now.

    And AMEN! To the door holding. I think it's a California thing...
