Friday, April 22, 2011


It seems simple enough doesn't it? If you workout everyday and eat well, you will be healthy. If you study hard you'll get good grades and in turn will get your dream job making tons of money. If you love someone and work hard everyday to make them happy, they will love you back just as much and you will be happy together forever. Ahhh...ignorance is bliss.

When you take health class, they tell you by eating right and working hard to stay fit, you can live a long and healthy life, but they forget to mention that some people do that their entire lives and end up with cancer, heart disease or Alzheimer's. They forget to mention that although studying hard and getting good grades is a nice thing that can help you do better in school, employers only need to see that you have the degree or diploma. And that great job you were going to get making money doing the thing you love to do...maybe a 1 in a million shot. But totally worth it if you have time and money already. Finding "the one", marrying them, giving them all of you doesn't guarantee a lifetime of happiness free of tough choices and heartache. In fact, it only increases the chances of you experiencing those things.

Being in love is great. I am not saying I don't believe in love. I believe in love more now than ever before. I have seen it's power. I have seen it take me to places I never imagined and I have felt it squash me into the dirt. Love and life are not equations to be solved. I love watching the news tell me one week coffee is bad for me and then the next tell me it wards off brain tumors. I will drink coffee if I want to. What the end result will be for me is not dependent on the coffee I drink or don't drink. If you love, then love. Don't let anyone stop you. But know in the end, this isn't the end. Things change, people change, relationships change. You can't prepare for it. Just cherish it.

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