Thursday, November 10, 2011

This Blog is "Occupied"

Watching the "occupation" in major cities is quite an entertaining venture. I have been watching carefully for anything of substance and have been so far let down entirely.

I had hoped for real change to take place, for real people to make their voices heard and for the world to hear. I strongly believe people need to voice opinions in protest and thought at first that the "occupy" idea would really catch on. Not with these idiots though.

Have you looked at the faces of the protesters? Have you seen the hardship behind their eyes? Have you seen the suffering of the families affected by the...uh, what are we protesting again? Some of the people in the crowd (and by crowd, I mean the fifteen or so of them on one corner surrounded by the three and a half dozen camera crews) are truly serious and dedicated persons of conviction and to them, I tip my hat. To the guy holding a sign that says "hi mom" and waving from behind the reporter, shut up and go home.

Some people say that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. I say, if you don't have anything to say, go home and let the people who care have their voices heard. The real revolution will take place without a facebook page and won't be led by hippies.


  1. Being totally honest here, I'm not really sure if you are for or against the occupy movement. Could go either way. What would you protest, if it were you out there? I would protest the protest to be honest

    I do fully agree with the "what are we protesting again" part of this post. You seem to get different answers every time the camera gets put in someone's face. I think the media needs to just drop the topic and let them die out.

    I do also agree that you should protest for what you believe in, that is one of the many things that make this country great. However, those people that are "occupying" and think that gives them the right to start fires and take over other peoples property seem to have forgotten that they do not live in a 3rd world country. And just to put in my two cents, I whole heartedly disagree with the occupy protests both violent and peaceful. Most of the interviews I've heard they want student loans to be forgiven (don't take the loan if you can't pay it), they want people on wall street to be put in prison for making money (WHAT?!) and they want socialism. Which, if you remember your social studies... Leads to what? Communism... Which is more elitist than our current system.

  2. I'm with Lacy. I don't really know much about this "occupy" thing but I do remember something about people protesting in NYC for not having enough work which in turn forced business to close (I heard specifically some museum had to close during the protests but I am sure other entities did too) and then tourism was adversely affected. Tourism in NYC wasn't effected by the down turn of the economy in the last few years. According, to a man I know working in that industry in NYC tourism has been good for the city (particularly the wealthy of England are coming to NYC because they can shop cheaper there). Anyway, why would protest the lack of jobs and while doing so eradicate the ability for people to work and shut down industries that keep your city running.

    In response to Lacy's comment about Communism being more elite than our current system is to say that the only way that our current elites can make more money than they are in a capitalistic society is to turn the nation into socialism where they are on the top. By moving to social medicine the wealth that is made among the dozens of pharmaceutical companies and other private medical supply industries will all be filtered through a system so that money is funneled in one direction leaving whoever is at the top of the socialist system (because not only medicine will be filtered but everything else) more wealthy than we can currently imagine. Bill Gates will be nothing. So if people are upset with Wall Street for making money they just need to wait and see what happens when there is no more competition and the elite wealth is no longer distributed.

    *Note: Elite wealth is not about millionaires it is about billionaires and beyond. It is about people that aren't listed the top wealthiest of the world because all their money is hiding in hedge funds and of coast banking systems. It is more about power than is about the control of money and more specifically the control of debt.
