Monday, April 8, 2013

The Mystery Of Why

There are several stages of childhood. There are the fussy newborns where everyone including the child is figuring things out. It takes a few months and soon behaviors develop that are cute and endearing. A funny look and a glimmer of personality and then it turns into the early ones. They begin to crawl, stand and soon walk and right about that time they learn the words they hear the most. For the large majority of kids, that word is "no". Cute at first, it soon becomes an annoyance but at least they are learning and beginning to show you they understand what is happening around them.

The weeks fly by and then the milestone everyone knows and loves arrives. The "terrible twos". Many experts argue for and against the label but I think we all have seen the evidence of the demographic. But the time continues to move and shortly the threes rear up and dominate all the frustrations of "no".

The "no" quickly transitions to "why" and then it is all down from here. They challenge every decision made and every tidbit of wisdom of you are willing to offer there empty and un-experienced minds.

But there is a lot of awesome in the amount of curiosity they have. It is a good practice to continue especially now that you think you know everything. Try asking why when you are commuting to work two hours a day to a job you kind of like sometimes. Ask why when you shop, ask why when you workout, ask why when you think you know something. Challenge it.

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