Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Best Kind Of Friend

Friends come in many shapes, sizes, colors and backgrounds. Some are good for a lifetime and some are good for a short while. There are those whose shoulders you lean on in tough times and different ones when you need a laugh. It is hard to imagine life without all the diverse types of friends you meet along the way.

One of my favorite kinds of friends are those that love you no matter what and in doing so will tell you how it is whether you want to hear it or not.

At first it may sound like I am describing the funny friend but that is a totally different friend. The funny friend tells you a joke or a crazy, generally unbelievable story about who knows what. But when they share with you the one about the preacher and a rabbi deciding who jumps first, it is exactly what you need to hear at that moment. A little distraction from the terrible situation you're dealing with or the ticket you got that afternoon for going five over the limit. But I am not highlighting that friend today.

The friend I would like to place on the pedistool is the one that tells it like it is. The good with the bad. Sometimes with good timing, but mostly not. The things they say stick in your head and haunt you like a "you know you can do better" ghost. They say things like "you're a better person than that" and "you are someone special to someone" and "i miss when we used to be friends" or one of my new ones "Hmmm, too vague. Try again".

I love that friend. That is a person that cares about you so much they want to see you at your best. They want you to succeed and many times at the cost of your own pride and dignity. So the next time you feel your self needing a real boost, a life changing, direction altering, dig a little deeper boost, call that friend up and let them tell you how it is. And by all means take what they have to say to heart.

They are your friend after all...

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