Friday, April 13, 2012

All Alone

It seems too good to be true. Riding out on the open road, stopping when you want to take in the view, making the choice of where you want to go and when. It is the picture of the ultimate fantasy; doing what you want and not caring what anyone else has to say about it. The problem is, that rarely is the case.

That might be the appeal of shows like SOA and the biker image itself, but what we are trying to forget about is the one thing that makes us who we are; the people we love.

I would like to say it was an easy transition from being married to living it up as a single guy, but it was so difficult for me to drop some of the habits I had developed while married. At least the ones that didn't matter. I had to forget how she liked to have things and start making decisions all on my own. It has almost been two years and I still catch myself from time to time. Problem is, now it's time for me to make the change again.

I wanted so much to be with someone and share life with them and it seemed like it wouldn't happen. So I became comfortable with the idea of being single and being happy that way. I surrounded myself with other happy-to-be-single people and much to my surprise, I found myself longing for the companionship. Perhaps that is why there are so many motorcycle clubs to join. We are longing to be stand alone individuals within a crowd of people that feel the same.

"It ain't easy living free", fun maybe for a while, but not satisfying.

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